Over the course of a year, I created multiple billboard designs for Palm Beach Atlantic University. My role in these projects included assisting with art direction and overall vision, as well as executing the final designs.

To celebrate the holiday season, university leadership wanted to have a little fun and dress up the mascot, Sailfish Jack, in a Santa hat. The goal with this shoot was to showcase the warm, beautiful South Florida location while also featuring more classic Christmas decor.
I created the "perfect" photo by stitching together elements from multiple takes in Photoshop. The results were near seamless.

The university also wanted a billboard to welcome new students to campus for the start of the academic year. As we were working under a very limited and last-minute timeframe, we had a short window to capture photos in the late afternoon as clouds would pass over and diffuse the harsh sunlight. The resulting photos required significant edits, but I was able to stitch together pieces from multiple shots to create a new image with the best elements from each.