For Palm Beach Atlantic University's Year-End Giving campaign, I worked in close collaboration with an external design firm to craft a mailed piece that would grab the attention of the recipient. While the external firm did the overall design work, my role was as primary art director, where I conceptualized what the piece would be -- its format, dimensions, layout, arrangement of content, and overall feel -- and worked with our staff photographer to capture fresh images that conveyed the look that I thought would best tell the story.

In addition to spearheading the concept and art style of the piece, I also helped craft and refine the copy in collaboration with other members of our internal team. The goal was to bring student stories to the forefront, leading with smiling, hopeful faces and imagery that represented their sense of purpose and potential.

While we wanted the copy to focus on student stories, we also intentionally introduced photography that showcased the beauty of the West Palm Beach campus and surrounding area.

The piece was printed on a sturdy but lightweight cardstock and completed with a soft touch finish to ensure that the piece would not be mistaken for junk mail. The mailer also included a branded business reply envelope and a perforated tear-off card to help prompt potential donors to contribute.